Prices were born in Vilas, and raised somewhere else!
We want your vehicle! Get the best value for your trade-in!



My father started this small car dealership in the early 90s. He loved it and he started it from scratch. He was ambitious and willing to hustle. He came from humble beginnings so he knew the value of a good deal. He was impressive! He grew up in this small Appalachian area called Vilas! He allowed me to get involved with the car lot more and more as the years went on. My older brothers and I all got to start work here early on as wash boys. I'm very thankful for the years we got to work as family. He was teaching me about everything he had learned in the car business without even really trying to. We spent a bunch of days in nice southern areas hunting for and going after cars together. We had many good times selling cars here at the lot also. Thousands. In 2021 we lost my dad to the worst kind of lung cancer. It was the most difficult of times. I was naive of it being real. Not long after my dad passed there were some of the busiest weeks selling cars here on record. It was good for me to stay busy. I knew it was him up there helping send me all of those customers keeping me busy! I was overwhelmed with emotion and still really in shock. I can still feel him watching over me in my routine chores here at the lot. I thank God for the opportunity that one day we can meet again and sit back and talk about the good old days. I thank my dad for all of his hard work, shared wisdom, and sacrifices that led to this awesome, little (but large in character) car lot here in the Heart of Vilas. Until we meet again, In memory of my awesome dad, Ricky Church. -Zach

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